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"Compacting Out"

"Compacting Out" is a term used with Cluster grouping that simply means a student has demonstrated complete understanding of a specific topic and will be working on a cluster project during the time time the class is learning that particular topic.

For example if a student scores a 100% on their pre-test on double digit addition they would join a small group of others who did as well or work on their own (if the were the only one) on a cluster project related to double digit addition that would be more advanced than the general group. The student(s) would still be expected to take the post test with the whole class.

My favorite aspect of "Compacting Out" is that anyone in the class can "compact out". Essentially these projects are open to the whole class and not just the students who have been assigned our class as the "cluster" students. So there will be topics where "cluster" students do not score well enough on the pre-test and do not do the project as well as there will be times when the general education students test well enough to join the projects.

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